Saturday, June 5, 2010

Arriving in Japan

I arrived in Japan after a 13 hour flight from Dulles in Washington D.C. to Tokyo, Japan, then a flight from Tokyo to Fukuoka, and then finally a 1 and 1/2 hour bus ride to Beppu and a short cab ride to APU. I am studying abroad at Asia Pacific University aka Ritsumeikan University in Beppu, Japan. This is located in the southern most region of Japan, about 2 hours away from Nagasaki. I decided to study abroad to further my Japanese skills as well as travel to a country I have never been to.
The trip here was tiring and uncomfortably exhausting yet I got here in one piece, and so did my luggage thank goodness. Once entering the Japanese airport, it seemed a little hectic but there were many signs in English and symbols that were easy to follow. I arrived at APU around midnight Japanese time after traveling for 24 hours straight. After a short building tour and room tour I passed out.
I soon realized that there are many different things here in Japan that is not nearly the same as in America. Thank goodness they are very accommodating to other nationalities and languages which has made it much easier than I expected to get around. I slept for about 15 hours the first night, waking up on and off while trying to get accustomed to the sleep schedule. The next day I unpacked all of my things- which I was very surprised at how light I packed, for once.
When I took the bus from Fukuoka Airport to Beppu, there were 9 other students from my program on the bus as well so we all introduced ourselves and got to know one another. I didn't realize until later that they would be my lifeline for doing anything in the later days. They all went downtown the day after we arrived and I was too nervous to leave my room that I missed out on the experience and the shopping so I lived off of Granola bars for the next couple of meals.
It was a rough first couple of days but since then I have learned to adapt a little better.

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